ABSTRACT 220(5-3)
遺伝性非ポリポーシス大腸癌(HNPCC)の発癌に関与するE2F-4遺伝子の変異:池田雅彦1, 松原長秀1, 木村彰方3, 馬場正三4, 田中紀章1, 清水憲二2(1岡山大・外, 2岡山大・病態遺伝子, 3東京医歯大・難治研, 4浜松医大・外)
Mutation of E2F-4 in hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer: Masahiko IKEDA1, Nagahide MATSUBARA1, Akinori KIMURA3, Shozo BABA4, Noriaki TANAKA1, Kenji SHIMIZU2 (1Dept. of Surg., 2 Molecular Genetics, Okayama Univ. Med School, 3 Div. of Adult Diseases, Med. Res. Institute, Tokyo Med. & Dent. Univ., 4Hamamatsu Univ. School of Med.)
Defects in mismatch-repair are known to cause microsatellite instability (MI) in HNPCC as well as sporadic colorectal cancer (CRC). We previoiusly reported that E2F-4 had frequent tumor-specific mutations at coding microsatellite in a subset of human sporadic CRC with MI. In this study, we detected mutations of E2F-4 in HNPCC at the same positions. Frequency of E2F-4 mutation in HNPCC was relatively lower and the pattern of mutations in HNPCC were different from that in sporadic CRC with MI. Most of the E2F-4 mutations in sporadic CRC with MI were accompanied by mutations of MSH3 and/or MSH6. However, no mutation of both MSH3 and MSH6 were detected in HNPCC. These results may indicate the presence of a preferabe cascade of mutational events from MSH3 and/or MSH6 to E2F-4 in sporadic CRC with MI but may not in HNPCC during its progression.