ABSTRACT 251(5-5)
 一般演題一覧 トップ 

癌抑制蛋白 NF2(merlin)のカルパイン依存性分解による新しい腫瘍発生機構 : 木村麗新1,3, 古閑比佐志1, 荒木令江1, 竹島秀雄, 西 徹, 山嶋哲盛, 西道隆臣5, 山崎俊樹, 森竹浩三, 佐谷秀行, 中尾光善(熊本大・医・腫瘍, 脳外, 島根医大・医・脳外, 金沢 大・医・脳外, 理研・脳科学・神経蛋白制御)

The involvement of calpain-dependent proteolysis of the tumor suppressor NF2(merlin) in schwannomas and meningiomas : Yoriyoshi KIMURA1,3, Hisashi KOGA1, Norie ARAKI1, Hideo TAKESHIMA2, Tohru NISHI2, Trtsumori YAMASHIMA4, Takaomi C.SAIDO5, Toshiki YAMASAKI3, Kouzo MORITAKE3, Hideyuki SAYA1, Mitsuyoshi NAKAO1 (1Dept.Tumor. Genet.Biol., 2Dept.Neurosurg.Kumamoto Univ.Sch.Med., 3Dept.Neurosurg.Shimane Med.Univ., 4Dept.Neurosurg.Kanazawa Univ.Sch.Med., 5Labo. for Proteolytic Neoroscience,RIKEN Brain Science Inst.)

Neurofibromatosis type 2(NF2) protein, merlin or schwannomin, is a tumor suppressor, and NF2 gene has been found mutated in the majority of schwannomas and meningiomas. Despite NF2-dependency, the presence of tumors lacking detectable NF2 gene mutations suggests different mechanisms for inactivating merlin. The present study demonstrated the cleavage of merlin by ubiquitous calpain, and the marked activation of the calpain system resulting in the loss of merlin expression in these tumors. Increased proteolysis of merlin by calpain in a portion of schwannomas and meningiomas is the first example of tumorigenesis linked to the calpain-mediated proteolytic pathway.