ABSTRACT 333(5-12)
ヒト第16染色体短腕に位置する新規p53標的遺伝子の単離:呉晶晶1,小山公美子1,岡村修1,三好康雄1,中村祐輔1,2(1阪大・医・バイオセ・臨床遺伝, 2東大・医科研・ヒトゲノムセ・シークエンス解析分野)
Isolation and characterization of a novel wild-type p53-inducible gene on human choromosome 16p11.2:Ching Ching NG1,Kumiko KOYAMA1,Shu OKAMURA1,Yasuo MIYOSHI1,Yusuke NAKAMURA1,2 (1Dept. Med. Genet.,Med. Dept.,Biomed. Res. Center,Osaka Univ., 2Lab. Mol. Med.,Inst. Med. Sci.,Hum. Genome Center,Tokyo Univ.)
p53, a tumour suppressor gene plays a significant role in cell cycle arrest and apoptosis, but its signaling pathways are not fully understood. In this study, we performed differential display analysis to isolate genes regulated by wild-type p53 from a colon cancer cell-line carrying a highly regulated wild type p53 expression system. We report here identification of a novel wild-type p53 inducible gene that was mapped on chromosome 16p11.2. Multiple-tissue northern blot analysis showed expression of a 1.8-kb transcript predominantly in the testis. Since we have also found a presence of a p53-binding site in this gene by genomic DNA sequences, it is certain that this gene is the novel p53-inducible gene although its biological role remains unclear.