ABSTRACT 701(17)
大腸と直腸がん部位別死亡率の東と西ヨーロッパ諸国間の差異とリスク要因の解析:ムーア マルコム、國元武彦、金大中、高須賀信夫、津田洋幸(国立がんセ・研・化寮)
Cross-Country Comparisons of Colon and Rectal Cancer Mortality in Eastern and Western Europe as Indicators of Risk Factors in Action:
Malcolm A. MOORE, Takehiko Kunimoto, Dae Joong KIM, Nobuo TAKASUKA, Hiroyuki TSUDA (Exp.Pathol.& Chemother. Div. Natl. Cancer Center Res: Inst.)
A comparison of relative mortality rates from colon and rectal cancers in World Health Organisation data for various countries in Europe was undertaken to determine whether this might point to variation in risk factors. A significant correlation between figures for cancers at the two sites was found throughout Europe for females but unexpectedly not males. Cluster analysis revealed a marked preponderance of rectal cancers in countries of the former east European block. Separation of countries on this basis gave rise to very much better correlation coefficients (p<0.05 and p<0.001, respectively) for the two sites. In order to assess the possible contribution of squamous cell anal cancers, data for cervical cancers sharing the same viral etiology were also compared. A significant correlation was only evident between rectal and cervical cancers for the western block (p<0.05). The results thus suggest that the observed excess of rectal cancer is not due to inclusion of non-adenocarcinomas and that a site-specific risk factor is operating. One candidate which might deserve further investigation is alcohol consumption. Another, conceivably related influence, is the inflammatory condition, hemorrhoids.