
巻 :20
号 :3
頁 :209〜214

職能別ユーザインタフェースを備えた 病院災害対応電子マニュアルの開発

大星  直樹1、松尾  秀樹2、鎌江 伊三夫1、寺谷  匡生3、田村  祐二 3

1神戸大学都市安全研究センター 都市安全医学研究分野、2神戸大学医学部医学科 、3株式会社 日立製作所


After the Hanshin Awaji Earthquake, many manuals preparing for natural disasters or major accidents have been made. However, almost these manuals are text-based, and have no systematic construction. So it is very hard to retrieve appropriate information for medical personnel on the real urgent scene. As a solution to this issue, we developed an electronic guideline system as a medical disaster-response (MDR) system. We extracted action rules from the disaster response manual of Kobe university hospital, and implemented these rules to our system. Our system is composed as a client-server system and designed to combine any department for disaster-response through computer networking. The server system has the rule database and distributes the action guideline to each terminal. Each terminal has a multi user interface so that medical personnel can obtain proper information in response with their function.