
巻 :20
号 :3
頁 :215〜219


杉山   正1、梅本  敬夫2、紀ノ定 保臣2、片桐  義博1

1岐阜大学医学部附属病院薬剤部 、2岐阜大学医学部附属病院医療情報部


 平成 11 年 6 月〜10 月に発行された処方箋を基に癌告知率を調査した.本院の告知率は約 78% であった.癌告知率は診療科間,年齢層間で大きく異なっていた.


We developed a computerized system of the result of truth telling the diagnosis of cancer to pharmacist as a new function of prescription order entry system already in operation. This system works as follows, when a doctor prescribes anticancer agents in order entry system, level of truth telling are displayed as "yet," "already" or "others" for selection. If the level "already" is selected, it means that the patient has already been told the true diagnosis of cancer. The level "yet" means that the patient has not been told yet and the level "others" means anticancer agents are used not for the treatment of cancer. Only when the level "already" is selected, the figure "〇" is printed on prescription sheet as a sign of truth telling. Confirming the sign on prescription sheet, pharmacist is able to know the result of truth telling.

The rate of patient told the truth of cancer diagnosis was investigated by analysis of prescription data in out-patients between June and October 1999. The rate of truth telling was 78% of cancer patients in our hospital, but there were significant differences in the rate among clinical departments or age of patients.

These results indicate that truth telling the diagnosis of cancer was generally carried out in our hospital, however some patients still remained without it. Therefore, it is very important for pharmacist to confirm the result of truth telling before they provide drug information about anticancer agent to patient. By our new system, pharmacist in our hospital or in community pharmacy now can provide medication instruction more property than ever.