ABSTRACT 32(1-3)
紫外線照射および酸化ストレスに対して細胞防御機能をもつスカベンジャー受容体様蛋白CSR : 韓 恵程1, 時野隆至2,中村祐輔1 (1東大・医科研・ヒトゲノム解析センター・シークエンス解析, 2札医大・癌研・分子生物)
CSR, a scavenger receptor-like protein with a protective role to cellular damage caused by UV irradiation and oxidative stress : Hye-Jung HAN1, Takashi TOKINO2 and Yusuke NAKAMURA1 (1Dept.Mol.Med., Inst.Med.Sci., Hum.Gen. Center,Univ.Tokyo, 2 Dept.Mol.Biol., Cancer Res. Inst., Sapporo Med.Univ.)
Oxidative stress is a pathogenic condition that causes cellular damage, and in a normally functioning cell several transcription factors respond to this threat by modulating expression of genes whose products ameliorate the altered redox status in some way. A novel macrophage scavenger receptor-like gene, CSR (Cellular Stress Response) transcription was significantly elevated by exposure to UV radiation, hydrogen peroxide or other oxidative stress-inducible agents, but not by DNA-damaging anti-cancer reagents. Under conditions of oxidative stress, CSR product has a crucial role in protecting cells from the consequences of oxidative stress, as a scavenger of ROS and their by-products. Although the consensus DNA-binding sequence of p53 is included in the CSR gene, actually this gene is only weakly regulated by wild-type p53, sometimes even independently of p53; this observation suggests that other oxidative stress-induced transcription factor(s) are its primary regulators. it is suspected that CSR is on the "cross-point" of redox-regulation.