ABSTRACT 603(12-6)
新規抗腫瘍性ヌクレオシド, 1-(3-C-ethynyl-β-D-ribopentofuranosyl)-cytosine (ECyd, TAS-106)の癌細胞内代謝と作用機序に関する検討:東敦1, Peng HUANG1, Varsha GANDHI1, William PLUNKETT1, 松田彰2, 佐々木琢磨3,(1テキサス大・M. D. Anderson C. C.、2北大・薬、3,金沢大・がん研)
Intracellular metabolism and actions of a novel antitumor nucleoside, 1-(3-C-ethynyl-?-D-ribopentofuranosyl)-cytosine (ECyd, TAS-106): Atsushi AZUMA1, Peng HUANG1, Varsha GANDHI1, William PLUNKETT1, Akira MATSUDA2, Takuma SASAKI3, (1Univ. of Texas, M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, 2Faculty of Pharm. Sci., Hokkaido Univ., 3,Cancer Res. Inst., Kanazawa Univ.)
The newly synthesized antitumor nucleoside, ECyd showed potent antitumor activity against human tumor cells in vitro and in vivo. We used human leukemia cell, ML-1 cells and K562 cells to investigate mechanisms of antitumor activity of ECyd. ECyd showed growth inhibitory activity against ML-1 cells and K562 (IC50 values were 8 nM and 20 nM for 72 h incubation). Investigating of intracellular metabolites of ECyd by using [3H]ECyd, mono-, di-, and mainly triphosphate of ECyd were readily detected by HPLC analysis. Intracellular accumulation of the analog triphosphate (ECTP) reached a plateau at 8 h in K562 cells. ECyd nucleotides were eliminated from cells very slowly; more than 80% of ECTP remained in the cells 6 h after ECyd was washed out of the culture medium. ECyd showed inhibition of adenosine incorporation into cellular RNA (IC50 values were 0.7 ?M for 4 h incubation). These results suggest that the mechanism of cytotoxicity of ECyd may involve inhibition of RNA synthesis.